

Business Development and Marketing Strategy

Business Development

From starting-up or expanding your business, to adapting your current business to disruptive market scenearios or new competitors and technologies, we can support you! We will help you  define and attract your target customers, identifying the best strategies for reaching them.

On top of  the this includes:

  • strategic partnerships
  • sales mix strategies
  • communication plans
  • shop concept design
  • e-business

Marketing Strategy

Our retail marketing strategy strives to develop and consolidate your business, enhancing  your customer shopping exeperience, including all of the four elements of the traditional marketing-mix:

  • product: from producers or wholesalers to the final customer, we define the right market segments for your products and services
  • price: we add value to your products and services and to the shopping experience of your customers by assessing the right pricing point for the market segments targeted
  • promotion: we emphasize the market visibility of  your products and services, the pricing strategies and broadly, the retail brand
  • place: we aim at finding the best ways to organize and manage the delivery of your product fullfilling your customers’ expectations and needs